Personal information P.I. first and last name : E-mail : Your program name : First day of observation : Last day of observation : Place to visit : T193+SOPHIET193+MISTRALTelescope(s)O3HPStation Gerard MegieICOSO3HP + Station Gerard MegieTelescope(s) + O3HPTelescope(s) + Station Gerard MegieTelescope(s) + O3HP + Station Gerard MegieOthers What is the reason for your visit ? Telescope(s) T193T152T120T80IRISOther Instrument(s) SophieMISTRALAurelieCCDShelyakVisitor Do you need an introduction ? (Will be done at 2PM) NoYes Instrumental configuration, visitor instrument and remarks : Administrative: Bedrooms, Transportation, Badges Observer (researcher, etc.) first and last name : Nationality : What is your statut : ResearcherTechnical staffPostdocPhd studentMaster studentLicence student Name and address of the observer/researcher's Institut : Observer email : Observer's office phone number : Mobile : Arrival date : Departure date : What is your arrival hour at OHP ? : Are you a group ? Yes You have to provide the following group informations : Number required badges ? Access required ? T193T152T120T80IRISGerard Megie Station (GMS)GMS LaserOthers Where do you prefer to sleep at OHP ? Maison Jean-PerrinAnnexeVilla OPavillon SuisseOther Number of persons that sleep at OHP ? How many Single rooms ? How many double rooms ? Do you need a WIFI access on the site ? Yes